6 Secrets to Become a Millionaire
1- Change Your Feelings Towards Money
What Are Your Feelings Towards Money – Quiz
- If I get rich, I will lose the people around me.
- If I get rich I wouldn’t be able to trust anyone because people would have a secret agenda.
- If I got wealthy, I would have to sacrifice my family or my health or my friendships to get there.
- If I got wealthy, I would be less spiritual.
- If I got wealthy I would have to compromise some of my values.
- To get wealthy, it requires hard work.
- With wealth comes greed, selfishness and arrogance.
Once you have read through each statement and allocated your personal feelings, which are represented by the number between 1-5, then you can add up your score!
The total number gives you an idea of the extent of your feelings towards money. This can highlight any fear or doubts that you have present around attaining money. It may surprise you, but these negative feelings will be acting as a block between you and your ability to become a millionaire.
This step is really quite simple:
Remove common beliefs about money that prevent you from bringing money into your life. Which, as a result, will welcome money into your life.
2- Increase Your Money EQ

3- Change Your Relationship With Money
Generally, there are 3 different types of relationships when it comes to money. Being aware of the relationship that you have with money can help in identifying your money EQ type. Furthermore, from understanding your current relationship with money, you are in a place where you can alter and improve it.
How do you discover your relationship with money? Again, here is a short quiz!
Change Your Relationship With Money – Quiz
For this quiz, simply note the number of each statement that you agree with.
- I spend a lot of time thinking about what I will do with my money; save it, earn it, spend it.
- I would like more money in my life and have many plans for what I would do with it.
- I am happier when I am actively doing something to change my finances.
- Money seems to flow easily to me without much effort.
- I don’t spend much time thinking about money.
- I am generally not very motivated about money.
- I spend a lot of my time worrying about money.
- I often find myself frozen when it comes to making financial decisions.
- I will often ignore my finances or keep money at a distance.
Numbers 1-3
You most likely grew up with not much money and believe that having more money avoids feeling pain.
Numbers 4-6
Most likely brought up middle class and given what you needed, you generally don’t worry about money and trust in your job.
Numbers 7-9
You are afraid of money, you try to run away from money and the civilisation of money.
4- Change Beliefs Holding You Back
We may not realise it, but our beliefs have an incredible impact on our lives. Following this concept, if we have detrimental beliefs regarding money. Then consequently we create a detrimental environment for money in our lives.
Did you know that Japan has the highest number of millionaires per capita out of any country in the world?
Here are two beliefs that are possibly holding you back from attaining wealth.
2 Beliefs holding you back from attaining wealth
1- Money is scary, we need to be careful about money.
Although this is classed as a money myth, for a lot of people this is actually true. Whereby people fight over money and families can be broken up over money. These money related dramas can cause trauma for a lot of people, which can create fear over money.
E.g. if you purchase new items such as a car or a house, you may experience fear. This could be a fear of spending money and making a mistake.
2- Money in the bank doesn’t make you rich
This may be a surprising statement for some. How can a million in your bank not make you feel secure?
Following these concepts shared from zen millionaire Ken Honda; if you feel secure that money flows in at the right time. If you have trust that money flows to you, then you will feel secure. Regardless of your bank account.
5- Heal your old money wounds
Following on from the previous point, how can we change beliefs about money that are holding us back? This is where we need to take it one step deeper and heal old money wounds.
“Money EQ is related to our money wounds. These wounds make up our attitudes and emotions about money, which we inherited from our parents. Their debt and wounds become ours” – Ken Honda.
What are money wounds?
Money wounds may simply be a money related experience that you had when you were younger which was not pleasant.
E.g. You were not allowed something that you wanted, because it was too expensive. Or perhaps you went without basic resources because money was scarce growing up.
These experiences built, maybe on a subconscious level, blocks and restrictions which act as obstacles in your mind, which stop you from achieving money. From acknowledging our money wounds, and practising acceptance and maybe even some forgiveness, we can remove obstacles that stop us from achieving money and wealth.
Remember it’s all about the mindset! Switch your mindset about money and trust that money is available when needed.
6- Utilise the Arigato technique
Ken Hondas’ mentor, Wahei Takeda, stated that this was his secret to attaining wealth. Which was simply to thank you money when you spend it, or ‘arigato‘.
Gratitude is very powerful and this technique utilises gratitude.
E.g. Thank your money when it comes to you, and thank your money when it leaves you. You can send out your blessings when money leaves you and trust it will return to you and bring its friends!
From appreciating your money, you will attract new financial opportunities. It can be helpful to view money as a circular energy. Whereby acknowledging that money is flowing all around and that it is accessible when you need it.
6 Secrets to Become a Millionaire
I hope that you enjoyed this article! If you missed it, here is a link to the book Happy Money by Ken Honda.
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